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Health Information Topics and the Diseases that Affect Our Puppies.

Welcome to our presentation on health information topics and the diseases that affect

to our puppies! In this session, we will explore some of the most common diseases that can

affect our adorable furry friends and how we can keep them healthy and happy.

El parvovirus

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Let's start by talking about parvovirus, a highly ​contagious viral disease that mainly affects

to the puppies. Parvovirus can cause serious ​symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and ​dehydration. It's fundamental

vaccinate our puppies against this disease and ​keep them away from areas where there are ​infected dogs.

La leptospirosis

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canine distemper

Another important disease to take into account is ​canine distemper. This viral disease affects the system

respiratory and nervous system of dogs, and can cause ​symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose, seizures

and muscle weakness. Early vaccination is key to ​preventing canine distemper and protecting health

of our puppies.


LLeptospirosis is another disease that we must ​take into account. It is a bacterial infection ​transmitted

through the urine of infected animals. May cause ​symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, ​jaundice, and damage

renal. Vaccination and rodent control in our ​puppies' environment are important measures to

prevent this disease.

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In addition to these diseases, it is crucial to pay ​attention to the dental health of our puppies. The ​illness

Periodontal disease is common in dogs and can ​cause gum inflammation, bad breath, tooth loss, and ​pain.

Brushing our puppies' teeth regularly and providing ​them with appropriate dental toys can help

prevent dental problems.

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Last but not least, we must be aware of ​allergies in our puppies. They can develop

allergies to certain foods, fleas, mites or ​environmental substances. This can cause ​intense itching, redness

skin and hair loss. Consulting a veterinarian ​and performing allergy testing can help us ​identify and

control allergies in our puppies.

In summary, it is essential to be informed about the ​diseases that can affect our puppies and take action

preventive measures to keep them healthy. Proper ​vaccination, regular dental care, parasite control, and a

balanced diet are key aspects to guarantee the health ​and well-being of our adorable

canine companions.

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